Reflexology is a complementary therapy that uses the feet to treat the whole body. It works on the theory that the feet represent a map of the body, with specific points on the feet linking to different parts of the body. By applying thumb and finger pressure along the different meridians of the feet, the practitioner stimulates the healing process in the corresponding area of the body. It treats the body holistically, meaning that it sees the body as a whole unit, and in stimulating the line of energy in one part of the body (in this case the feet), the entire energy line is encouraged to come back into balance.
“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.”
Reflexology has numerous benefits including:
Relieve stress and reduce anxiety;
Aid relaxation;
Improve sleep;
Boost the immune system;
Relieve sinus pain;
Correct hormone imbalances;
Improve digestion;
Boost fertility;
Reduce discomfort from common pregnancy conditions such as:
fluid retention,
back pain,
and much more.