Fertility Reflexology

Many couples today can have problems conceiving, and there are a number of factors that can contribute to these problems such as the presence of endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome; impotence; vitamin or mineral deficiencies; immunological issues; fallopian tube damage: the age of one or both partners (therefore affecting the quality and quantity of the eggs and sperm), to name just a few.

Further to these factors, approximately another 20% of cases are described as being due to 'unexplained infertility,’ where no medical reason can be given for why a couple cannot conceive. Stress and old injuries can play a big factor on both sides of why a couple is not having success becoming pregnant. The flow of energy through the body has become blocked and stagnant.

Reflexology can help with infertility by:

  • Helping to regulate your menstrual cycle;

  • Creating balance in your endocrine system (and therefore your hormones);

  • Stimulating ovulation;

  • Detoxing the liver and intestines:

  • Relieving symptoms of PCOS and Endometriosis;

  • Reducing anxiety and stress levels;

  • Improving sleep.

Reflexology and IVF are not a ‘one or the other’ scenario. In fact, many IVF clinics are now recommending their clients attend a course of reflexology treatments prior to starting, or alongside, their IVF journey.

Maternity Reflexology

The pregnant body goes through many changes during the 40 weeks or so that it carries a child. Maternity reflexology can be a wonderful aid during this time to help with the continuous changes that the body experiences. As it works to bring the body back into balance, reflexology is completely adaptable depending on what symptoms you are experiencing at a given time, and for what stage you are at in your pregnancy.

Some of the common ailments that reflexology can help with include:

  • Nausea and vomiting;

  • Fluid retention;

  • Backache;

  • Insomnia and restless sleep;

  • Stress and anxiety;

  • Mood swings;

  • Constipation;

  • Indigestion and heartburn;

  • Ligament and pelvic pain.

Reflexology is also hugely beneficial for labour, with studies showing that it can lower anxiety, labour length, and discomfort during contractions.

Reflexology is completely safe throughout the whole of pregnancy, though some women prefer to wait until they are in their second trimester to start sessions.