Mama & Me Yoga

Taught in an intimate and relaxing environment, my Mama & Me Yoga classes have many benefits. For mama, they help with troublesome postnatal issues such as tight shoulders, weakened core and lower back and pelvic issues. For baby, yoga is proven to help with flexibility, digestion, co-ordination, balance, developing language and fine motor skills. Together, the classes encourage bonding, understanding and learning to read each others cues. They are also a great way to get to know other mums and babies, to make lasting friendships for you and your baby. Everything taught is easily adapted as baby grows and can be practised at home. There is no need to have previous yoga experience.

Classes run in 5 week blocks and are open to mums and babies once mum has the okay from the GP to return to gentle exercise (usually 6 weeks for vaginal birth and 10 weeks for c-section), and before baby is an active crawler!

Click below to see upcoming Courses